Our Partners
Life touches each of us in different ways and often compels us to give and show support to those things that make us cry, laugh or smile. While emotion is important, it is equally important that we look objectively at the needs in our community and invest community donations in programs that demonstrate an ability to change the situation or lives of those in need.
One of the ways that United Way of Yuma County creates change and impact in the community is by investing into the Community Investment Fund. The C.I.F. has served Yuma County for over 15 years and has invested over 2 million dollars back into local non-profits that need it most. The C.I.F. and the volunteers that serve on the panel understand United Way’s Mission – lift 10,000 families out of poverty by 2025, and is dedicated to helping that dream come true.
United Way partners with 12 funded community partners to support 16 local programs that serve a broad range of the population. Funded agencies open their programs and budgets to intense review by the Community Investment Panel volunteers and United Way staff. Targeted program outcomes and results drive the funding decisions and are critical to understanding how your investment is improving people's lives.
United Way is making the following investments during the 2017-2018 funding year:

Adult Literacy Plus of Southwest Arizona
Contact: Office
825 S. Orange Avenue
Yuma, AZ. 85364
(928) 343-9363

Adult Literacy Plus of Southwest Arizona is a full time advocate for adult literacy in Southwest Arizona. As mentors, we change lives through outreach programs, workplace training, education, and tutoring. Our program facilitates success within the family, workplace, and community. We mentor adults ages 16 and older, who have the desire to increase their basic literacy skills, earn a GED diploma, learn English, and improve job skills. Accredited by Pro Literacy America, United Way Member Agency, Arizona Supreme Court LEARN Center, Dollar General Model Program
Funded in part by the Arizona Department of Education.
Adult Literacy Plus of Southwest Arizona is private nonprofit organization serving the community since 1981. We are partners with the City of Yuma, Arizona Western College, APIC, Good Will and the Yuma County Library District.
Why is Literacy Important?
Having poor reading, writing, and speaking skills limit a person’s opportunities for a better life. Literacy is more important in the Information Age than ever before. The Internet holds immense potential for the future, but only for those who can read.
Our vision is to champion improved lives through education, college and career guidance, encouragement and personal empowerment in the communities of Southwest Arizona.
Our mission is to provide rigorous instruction for adults designed to enhance the skills necessary for success in reading, writing, mathematics, computation, and technology skills for increasing demands of the 21st century. Through highly qualified teachers and support staff, we will guide students to post-secondary education and careers with meaningful and research-based practices to increase public awareness of life-long learning within the community.

Ashley's Story:
My name is Ashley Avila, I am a former I-BEST student here at Adult Literacy Plus (ALPS) in Yuma, AZ. I first heard about this school, through my aunt when she told me that this school could help me get my GED. At the time I was working in the fields, so I needed something that would not only work around my schedule and help me finish quickly, but also give me time to study.
Once I looked into the school, I realized that it would be the fastest and best way to achieve my goals. I took the placement test, and placed in the advanced Math and Language classes. Right away I started the classes, and was impressed by the way the staff and students were so attentive, supportive, reassuring, hands on, and helpful. I took the language class with Crystal Hudson, who is such a hands on and amazing teacher; she puts everything on the table and lets you figure it out piece by piece but never leaves you on your own. Jesse Figueroa was my Math class teacher; he is very supportive; he explains everything in a way anyone can do the work and is always making sure you understand the material before he moves on in the lesson. Everyone is always ready to lend you a hand and help you achieve your goals, which is one of the main reasons I was able to achieve so much in such little time.
On my first week at ALPS Jesse, mentioned the I-BEST program to the class, and explained that it was a program that not only helps you get your GED but also helps you get into Arizona Western College’s (AWC) Nursing Assistant program. When he mentioned the program I was hesitant at first, but as time went along, he and my classmates helped me realize that it would be an amazing opportunity to start a career for myself. I joined the program and with the help from ALPS and the Yuma Private Industry Council (YPIC) I enrolled into AWC and joined the Nursing Assistant program. In order to help us ease into the program they held a one week bootcamp to help prepare us for the actual CNA course which was incredible, it was very educational, hands on, and enlightening. I ended up completing the courses and received my GED in three months, completed the CNA program in eight weeks and also the phlebotomy class which was only two days. I will be honest and say that at first it will feel difficult but by having the drive, support, motivation, and confidence you can do it with ease.

Arizona's Children Association
Contact: Office
3780 S. 4th Avenue, Suite K
Yuma, AZ. 85365
(928) 344-8800
We are Arizona’s best resource for helping children and families. Our programs target the type of future we all want to see: a future where every child has a safe and loving home and families are supported through difficult and trying circumstances. It is our commitment to provide a specifically tailored continuum of services to children and families in need. All programs are family focused, strength-based, culturally sensitive and outcome driven.
Founded in 1912, we are one of the oldest and largest statewide comprehensive child welfare and behavioral health not-for-profit agencies in Arizona. Located in all 15 Arizona counties, we provide a variety of programs and services to meet the needs of more than 40,000 children, youth and families each year.
We were originally founded in Tucson in 1912 as Arizona Children’s Home to care for homeless, neglected and dependent children. To meet the changing needs of children, we developed services that extended far beyond the residential program in Tucson and eventually changed our name to Arizona’s Children Association.
Our professionally trained, caring and dedicated staff provide a broad spectrum of services that help create and sustain a healthy family environment. Each program is tailored to meet the needs of the particular child, individual or family. Our team members are able to expertly navigate between our behavioral health and child welfare programs to provide additional supports and resources.

Assistance League Operation School Bell
Contact: Office
1048 S. 5th Avenue
Yuma, AZ. 85364
(928) 539-9522
Assistance League volunteers transforming the lives of children through community programs.
Essential needs are met in our community and families flourish.
No one likes to wear their poverty. For many children, attending school is painful and they drop out. Others attend irregularly, or never enroll because their parents can’t afford even the most basic items of school apparel. Operation School Bell helps children get to and remain in the classroom. We know that education is the best defense against the problems of poverty, illiteracy, drug abuse and crime.

ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF YUMA CHAPTER grant writer Betty Borland explains to members of the national Assistance League committee how the Yuma chapter runs its Operation School Bell®. The Yuma chapter was recently awarded a grant from the Arizona Community Foundation of Yuma.
The front room of the Assistance League of Yuma’s Operation School Bell building is soothing and bright.
Light from long window panes on either side of the wide outer door floods the room, highlighting murals on the walls and colorful decorations, hats and other items on the front desk — welcoming and inviting for the hundreds of children — and now young teens — who pass through its doors each school year.
The signature program of the nationwide Assistance League, the Yuma chapter’s Operation School Bell supplies students who are in need with new clothing and shoes for school. The Yuma chapter’s auxiliary, Las Dedicadas, makes hygiene and school supply kits as well.
That way, each child who comes through the doors of Yuma’s Operation School Bell is equipped for success, said chapter president Nancy Nelson.
Each chapter runs its operation differently according to its community’s needs, said Judy Parker, a member of the national Assistance League committee who visited the Yuma chapter recently to discuss best practices that can be shared among the national organization.
This fall, the Yuma chapter launched a pilot program to outfit middle-school teens as well, said Betty Borland, the chapter’s grant writer and Operation School Bell “matron-in-charge.”
Being similarly dressed as their peers does wonders for the “self-esteem of seventh and eighth graders,” member Carolyn Hoffmeyer said.
Each child receives three outfits consisting of tops and bottoms — two for school and one “regular” outfit for weekend or afterschool wear — five pairs of socks and undergarments and a jacket, Hoffmeyer said. Girls also receive leggings and camisoles as needed. Shoes are supplied by Payless ShoeSource.
Students are given a choice of a small toy car or a small plush doll; three brand-new books; and a hand-knit cap, knitted by members and other community contributors.
“That’s a lot of merchandise,” Borland said, noting that the Yuma chapter clothed more than 1,200 students last year. Through August 18, more than 350 students have been outfitted. The chapter outfits children through May 1 due to the military and migrant crop season.
That’s more than 12,000 individual socks, or 6,000 pairs; 6,000 undergarments; 3,600 shirts and 3,600 pants/skirts/jeans; 1,200 jackets; 3,600 books; 2,400 shoes and countless volunteer hours.
Expenses add up quickly, Borland said, especially as the items are purchased new. While the chapter does take in new clothing donations from local businesses, members feel it’s important for children’s self-worth not to have hand-me-downs.
While income from the chapter’s thrift store and an annual fundraiser do cover some Operations School Bell expenses, the chapter would not be able to reach as many children as it does without the community’s support, Nelson said.
“That’s why three years ago we started looking for grant funds to supplement our chapter budget,” Borland said.
“We’ve been very, very fortunate,” Borland said, relating a story of one member who was flying abroad and shared Yuma’s Operation School Bell story with her seatmate. That conversation netted a donation from the Goldman Sachs Foundation, with which the seatmate was associated.
The chapter was awarded another grant last week from the Arizona Community Foundation of Yuma at the Heart of Yuma banquet. The chapter also received grants from the Arizona Community Foundation of Southern Arizona, the United Way of Yuma County, Fort Yuma Rotary, Yuma Realtors Association, the B&G Family Limited Partnership, and other various groups and individuals.
What is unique about the Yuma Operation School Bell is that all the money donated to the chapter goes straight back to the children, Borland said, as the chapter is run by volunteers and does not have a paid staff or paid officers.
“It’s very important that the community knows what you’re doing here,” said Louise Ferdun, of the Diablo Valley Assistance League chapter in northern California, who was visiting along with Parker. “You should be making sure the community knows how much you are supporting the community.”
Borland said that the Yuma chapter is grateful for the community’s support in “giving to us so we can give to the children.”

Catholic Community Services
Contact: Office
690 E. 32nd Street
Yuma, AZ. 85364
(928) 341-9400
We work closely with local nonprofits, community groups, public safety organizations, and governments. We are grateful for the blessings that many families within our community have provided to make sure we fulfill our mission. Together, we will continue to address the challenges our community faces.
Services Provided:

Catholic Community Services - Yuma advocates for families, the elderly, adults with disabilities, and victims of crime. We've served Yuma County since 1961.
We work closely with local nonprofits, community groups, public safety organizations, and governments. We are grateful for the blessings that many families within our community have provided to make sure we fulfill our mission. Together, we will continue to address the challenges our community faces.
Program Overview
CCS - Yuma provides caring and support for Yuma County residents.
Survivors of domestic violence find safety in our shelter, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We offer counseling, legal advocacy, case management, transportation, and other services to help them take courageous steps forward.
Our counseling services help children and adults who are facing other challenges. Individual and group counseling services address substance abuse, parenting issues, and other concerns. We provide many services in both English and Spanish.
For seniors, we provide nutritious meals, both home-delivered and in a congregate setting. For those who need additional support, our adult day care program provides a safe, nurturing environment.

Contact: Karina Jones, President/CEO
United Way of Yuma County
(928) 783-0515
How Does Our Card Work?
First, we negotiate discounts at most pharmacies nationwide. In return, we are able to offer you a lower price for your medications through our discount card. This is how our card is used:
1) Get our prescription discount card
2) Show your card at the pharmacy
3) Ask for the FamilyWize price
Where Is This Card Accepted?
Our prescription discount card is accepted at all major retail pharmacies throughout the country and with most independent pharmacies as well. Whether it's the Walgreens down the street or the CVS around the corner, FamilyWize has partnered with a wide variety of pharmacy chains to provide you with the lowest price possible.

Where Is This Card Accepted?
Our prescription discount card is accepted at pharmacies nationwide, including major chains and independents. FamilyWize has partnered with these pharmacies to provide you with the lowest possible price on your prescription drugs.
Can I See The Price Before Going to My Pharmacy?
Yes, with our Drug Price Lookup Tool you are able to see what the FamilyWize price is for your prescriptions. Whether you are shopping for 1 or multiple drugs, simply enter your drug name and zip code to see what you will pay with our prescription discount card. It's that easy!

After losing my health insurance, a local pharmacist automatically used the FamilyWize discount card to process my prescription. My cost went from $180 to $37! Not only do I use the card for most prescriptions, I give the information to friends, family and my patients. Yes, I am a healthcare provider without insurance and the FamilyWize card has saved me quite a bit of money. I can not help but to share this information to anyone who does not have prescription coverage. It's all about giving back." William, FL.

girl scouts of southern arizona yuma county
Contact: Director of Yuma County Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona
Emilie Cortez
1950 W 3rd Street Yuma, Arizona 85364
M: 928.276.5043 O: 928.782.1599 ecortez@girlscoutssoaz.org
Girl Scouts offers the best leadership development experience for girls in the world.
Girl Scouts unleashes the G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ in every girl, preparing her for a lifetime of leadership—from taking a night-time hike under the stars to accepting a mission on the International Space Station; from lobbying the city council with her troop to holding a seat in Congress; from running her own cookie business today to tackling cyber-security tomorrow. Our Girl Scout Leadership Experience is a one-of-a-kind leadership development program for girls, with proven results. It is based on time-tested methods and research-backed programming that help girls take the lead—in their own lives and in the world.

Our Mission
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Ways To Participate
There are tons of ways to have fun and explore the world in Girl Scouts. It all depends on what you’re interested in. Take a look!
You can join a troop
You can get outdoors or go to camp
You can travel the country—maybe even the world
You can explore your interests through series and events
You can sell Girl Scout Cookies (and have fun doing it)

JA BizTown
Contact: Karina Jones, President/CEO
United Way of Yuma County
(928) 783-0515
JA BizTown combines in-class learning with a daylong visit to a simulated, fully interactive town. The program helps students make the connection between what they learn in school and the real world. The JA BizTown program includes 12 required teacher-taught, in-class lessons. The program culminates with students participating in the hands-on simulated community, either at a JA BizTown facility or at a mobile unit. An in-class debriefing lesson helps students construct meaning from their experience. Additional extension activities are available for each topic

Carver Elementary has a special class called BizTown, which teaches students about finances, businesses, and teamwork.

VisionQuest 20/20 - EyeSpy 20/20
Contact: Karina Jones, President/CEO
United Way of Yuma County
(928) 783-0515
Visual Acuity: The world’s most advanced distant visual acuity testing system. Accurate, reliable, automated, impossible to memorize, and never reliant upon human interpretation.
Depth Perception: The world’s only automated, subjective distant stereo acuity assessment system. Unlike other screenings devices, EyeSpy 20/20 evaluates more than eye alignment.
Color Vision: The world’s first computerized screener that detects mild to severe color blindness at distance.
Data Management: The world’s largest cloud-based, HIPAA-compliant repository for vision screening data. Provides secure access to all your individual screenings, summary reports - 24 / 7 - forever.
3,501 Students in Yuma District 1 Elementary have already been screened so far through United Way of Yuma County. 834 have failed their vision screening. 24% fail rate is a BIG number! We still have thousands more to screen.